From the heart of Tuixoquel village in Comitancillo, San Marcos, Guatemala, emerges Xtis – a profound embodiment of Mayan resilience, cultural preservation, and transformative art. Her name, which translates to “Justice”, is a powerful declaration of her life’s mission.
More than just a musician, Xtis is a traditional Mayan therapist, a council member of ancestral authorities, and a dedicated cultural ambassador bridging ancient wisdom with contemporary consciousness. Her artistic and healing work centers on a critical process of de-colonization, inviting her people – and indeed, all humanity – to reconnect with indigenous roots, spirituality, and cultural identity.

Xtis: Voice of Ancestral Wisdom and Healing
Born with extraordinary gifts in both music and healing, Xtis crafts lyrics of searing honesty drawn directly from her lived experiences. Through her work with the CasaBiosalud Ancestral Kyaje Ix Project, she offers a unique pathway to integral healing – one that transcends cultural boundaries and speaks to the universal human spirit.

Xtis debut album
to be launched in mid 2025
Music & Art of Xtis
Her music is an invitation, not a mandate. Each listener is empowered to find their own healing message, to apply the wisdom that resonates most deeply with their personal journey. Xtis represents a peaceful revolution of consciousness, using art as a profound medium of cultural preservation and collective transformation.
A guardian of Mayan tradition and a visionary of human potential, Xtis creates a bridge between ancestral knowledge and the modern world – offering healing, understanding, and hope.